This past week I headed out to Vegas for WPPI, a week long photographer conference. Being my first year attending, I really had no idea what to accept. I went in with a plan for the most part but at the last minute I booked the live shoot with Jennifer Skog. And, when I say last minute I mean, I bought a spot about an hour before it started. I am so happy I went. I walked out with a whole new mindset on boudoir and I will look at it in a whole new light. After working with over 300 girls you can often get in a rut and I needed some new inspiration. I have already done a session and it was amazing to see and recognize how much my shooting style has changed, how I look at things differently and the overall image I am going for. Here is one image from the workshop with many, many more to come!
I went to the workshop with Susan Berman of Whimsical Photo Design and Jen Williams
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