Over the weekend I had the pleasure of working with 2 amazing women and for a reason I really love doing boudoir. They both came in and did a session…
canton ohio boudoir
Akron beauty!
Mrs G recently came in for a session as a Valentines Day/Birthday gift. We bonded over the fact she lives right down the road, our love for Mary Coyles, all…
Leopard, Army and lots of sexy!
As a business owner and photographer I have many hats I wear, none nearly as important as making sure my clients feel as amazing as they look. Mrs C…
Akron Boudoir Studio | Miss K
A few weeks ago I got to work with another wonderful client, K. A bit nervous but I got her to smile and play around and I love the results….
Akron Boudoir Photography with Sexy K!
Lets all just avoid that I haven’t blogged in nearly a month *hides in shame* BUT friends, I am bringing it back with a HOTTIE! K came in for her…
Akron Boudoir Photographer | L’s Sexy Session
Another amazing client came in for her session 2 weeks ago and she was a blast to work with. Thanks L for not only trusting Ramona with the makeup for…