Hi Leah,
I just wanted to say thank you again for the opportunity to work with
you. I am anxiously waiting for the final proofs to come in! But in
the mean time, I wanted to let you know that although these pictures
were for my husband (Matt) they were as much for me.
Like most women, I can be pretty self conscious. However, I also have
an eating disorder and suffer from body dysmorphia. Long story short,
I don’t like the way my body looks. However, seeing these pictures has
really helped the way that I view my body. Even the pictures where I
can see remnants of my stretch marks, evidence of my formal self…I
think it is beautiful.
I think that every woman should have the experience of boudoir
photography. I have gained so much more respect and love for my body.
Thank you.
To view M’s boudoir session click here
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