Nerves, we all have them. It doesn’t matter if you are a first time client, or you have been in 7, 8, 9+ times. There will always be a level of nervousness to your shoot. I remember when Miss S came in and I could tell right away by signs like fidgeting, talking fast, trying to rush through showing me lingerie, etc. I always tell people that a boudoir photographer isn’t just a boudoir photographer. I am a body language reader, I am a therapist some days, I am a stylist, your hype girl, the talker of the 2 to keep you distracted from your nerves, but still having fun, and feeling good. My first role for this shoot was working on calming those nerves which meant some conversation, some easy poses where I was modeling the pose, lots of positive feed back and cheerleading (which I do always, anyways!). It was about 10 minutes into the shoot where I just saw those nerves melt away. The, “I got this!” came out, and from there we were golden in creating some stunning images!
This shot had me feeling so good. There is just nothing like a confident smile captured in the moment.
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