There are a lot of questions I get asked but one is, “why don’t you have any professional images of yourself?” WELL, it’s because I am a photographer, I like to be BEHIND the camera, not in front of it. However, I realize the importance in making sure you all know who I am, probably what I look like before we meet and any other random information you want to know about me. BUT we are about to change that, I always prided myself on being an open book. Each and everyone of us has a completely different story to tell, a different path we choose for our lives, different joys and pains. When I was younger I was very known for my writing and I’m not really sure why or when I let go of it. I could write for hours and for me it was a great stress relief. Now I use a different art form but would love to get back into writing and what better place to start than right here on my own blog.
So, I apologize in advance from the randomness you are about to receive but believe me, you’ll find plenty of laughing material!
So for now, lets play 5 questions, I think every week, maybe every Wednesday since this is when I started, I’ll answer 5 new questions. Feel free to throw a couple questions in the comment box to! Personal or work related, I’m down for anything!
1. How do you eat your Reese’s?
Outside first and then the middle. I LOVE the peanut butter!
2. Favorite colors?
Black, dark blue and green in no particular order. I want to wear more red but I have enough on my head
3. Favorite song?
Huge fan of Paperweight by Joshua Radin.
4. Goal for 2010?
I have a lot and am a very big goal maker. I have the mentality that nothing is ever big enough for me to conquer. I am moving to Portland this summer which is a very large goal of mine. I want to know I lived the best life I could with no fears or regrets. Another goal is to open a studio and really change the way boudoir is seen in Portland. Goal #3, Always better myself!
5. Must see travel destination?
Aruba! Go buy that plane ticket now, you won’t regret it!
Images by Jen Williams Photo
Whitley Pollet says
What a great post. 🙂 Nice to “meet” you.
Alyssa says
You are beautiful!
Um…can you make a larget than life girl look good?
Leah says
Thank you Alyssa! And hun, you would rock a session! ANYONE could do it!